Copyright & Acknowledgements

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We are warmly thankful to all colleagues who participated in this work, providing references and opinions on the occurrence of many species in Italy. A special thank goes to Arthur Decae, who helped us in resolving many issues about Italian mygalomorphs. We are grateful to Fulvio Gasparo, for stimulating us in thinking our work out and for making his great knowledge of the cave dwelling spiders and the Italian Dysderids available to us. Fulvio also proof readed the list with patience, commented precisely on each of our considerations and choices and suggested so many improvements. Thank you to Harald Hansen, for his courtesy and for providing without hesitations his precious knowledge about Italian spiders. Thanks to Alessio Trotta for the valuable help in providing lost references and for the fruitful information given throughout the years. The lists of Other Arachnids were compiled thanks to the supervision and the updates of Luca Cavigioli, Emmanuel Delfosse, Christoph Muster and Axel Schonhofer (Opiliones), Erhard Christian (Palpigradi), Giulio Gardini (Pseudoscorpiones) and Gioele Tropea (Scorpiones).

A special thank goes to Dr. Monica Leonardi of the Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano, for loans and consultation of the collections of the Museum. Thanks to Dr. Luca Bartolozzi of the Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenze and to Dr. Leonardo Latella of the Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona.

We are warmly thankful to Wolfgang Nentwig and collaborators for making available to us and to all arachnologists their websites "Araneae spiders of Europe" and "The World Spider Catalog". During our research, we always keep in mind that the public availability of such amazing resources is an exception, which is rarely found in other groups.

A special thanks goes to Fragmenta Entomologica, for making available in the list of Italian pseudoscorpions by Gardini (2000).