Mainland Italy
REMARKS: See remarks in Ballarin & Pantini (2020: 16)
Emilia-Romagna | Bologna | Fantini, 1934
more details
Fantini L., 1934 - Le grotte bolognesi. Bologna : |
Emilia-Romagna | Bologna | Moscardini, 1966
more details
Moscardini C., 1966 - Reperti faunistici. In Le cavità naturali dellEmilia-Romagna. Parte II. Rass. Spel. It. 18(1-2): 45-46 |
Emilia-Romagna | Bologna | Brignoli, 1972
more details
Brignoli P.M., 1972 - Catalogo dei ragni cavernicoli italiani. Quaderni di speleologia. Circolo Speleologico Romano 1: 5-211 |
Basilicata | Potenza | Ballarin & Pantini, 2020
more details
Ballarin F., Pantini P., 2020 - Three new species and new records of the genus Centromerus (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Italy. European Journal of Taxonomy 660: 1-23 |
Liguria | La Spezia | Ballarin & Pantini, 2020
more details
Ballarin F., Pantini P., 2020 - Three new species and new records of the genus Centromerus (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Italy. European Journal of Taxonomy 660: 1-23 |
Lazio | Roma | Ballarin & Pantini, 2020
more details
Ballarin F., Pantini P., 2020 - Three new species and new records of the genus Centromerus (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Italy. European Journal of Taxonomy 660: 1-23 |
Umbria | Perugia | Ballarin & Pantini, 2020
more details
Ballarin F., Pantini P., 2020 - Three new species and new records of the genus Centromerus (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Italy. European Journal of Taxonomy 660: 1-23 |
Ballarin F., Pantini P., 2020 - Three new species and new records of the genus Centromerus (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Italy. European Journal of Taxonomy 660: 1-23 (show included species)
Brignoli P.M., 1972 - Catalogo dei ragni cavernicoli italiani. Quaderni di speleologia. Circolo Speleologico Romano 1: 5-211 (show included species)
Fantini L., 1934 - Le grotte bolognesi. Bologna (show included species)
Moscardini C., 1966 - Reperti faunistici. In Le cavità naturali dellEmilia-Romagna. Parte II. Rass. Spel. It. 18(1-2): 45-46 (show included species)