
Mastigusa arietina (Thorell, 1871)

Mainland Italy

Regional distribution
no. of Regions: 6 (30.0%)
No data
Provincial distribution
no. of Provinces: 8 (7.5%)
No data
Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Bolzano/Bozen Noflatscher, 1996 more details

Noflatscher M.T., 1996 - Aranei - Spinnen, Webspinnen.  In: Hellrig K. (eds), Die Tierwelt Südtirols. Naturmuseum Südtirols, Bozen  : 211-228

Italia --- Trotta, 2005 more details

Trotta A., 2005 - Introduzione ai ragni italiani (Arachnida Araneae).  Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova  83: 3-178

Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Bolzano/Bozen Steinberger, 2008 more details

Steinberger K.-H., 2008 - Spinnen und Weberknechte im Naturpark Schlern – Rosengarten (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones) (Italien, Südtirol).  Gredleriana  8: 255-286

Piemonte Cuneo Evangelista & Trotta, 2009 more details

Evangelista M., Trotta A., 2009 - Segnazioni faunistiche italiane 482 - Mastigusa arietina (Thorell, 1871).  Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova  141 (2): 113

Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Bolzano/Bozen Steinberger, 2010 more details

Steinberger K.-H., 2010 - Spiders of arable land in the Eisack- and the Puster Valley (South Tyrol, Italy) (Arachnida: Araneae).  Gredleriana  10: 227-238

Piemonte Cuneo Isaia et al., 2015 more details

Isaia M., Paschetta M., Chiarle A., 2015 - Annotated checklist of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Site of Community Importance and Special Area of Conservation “Alpi Marittime” (NW Italy).  Zoosystema  37(1): 57-114

Lombardia Sondrio Pantini et al., 2020b more details

Pantini P., Mazzoleni F., Gobbi M. Pedrotti L., 2020b - Ragni (Arachnida, Araneae) di interesse biogeografico e conservazionistico nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (Italia).  Rivista del Museo civico di Scienze Naturali "E. Caffi", Bergamo  33: 23-53

Lombardia Brescia Pantini et al., 2020b more details

Pantini P., Mazzoleni F., Gobbi M. Pedrotti L., 2020b - Ragni (Arachnida, Araneae) di interesse biogeografico e conservazionistico nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (Italia).  Rivista del Museo civico di Scienze Naturali "E. Caffi", Bergamo  33: 23-53

Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Trento Pantini et al., 2020b more details

Pantini P., Mazzoleni F., Gobbi M. Pedrotti L., 2020b - Ragni (Arachnida, Araneae) di interesse biogeografico e conservazionistico nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (Italia).  Rivista del Museo civico di Scienze Naturali "E. Caffi", Bergamo  33: 23-53

Veneto Belluno Castellucci et al., 2022 more details

Castellucci A., Schifani E., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2022 - New association between red wood ant species (Formica rufa group) and the myrmecophilic spiders Mastigusa arietina and Thyreosthenius biovatus.  Bulletin of Insectology  75(2): 231-238

Piemonte Cuneo Castellucci et al., 2022 more details

Castellucci A., Schifani E., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2022 - New association between red wood ant species (Formica rufa group) and the myrmecophilic spiders Mastigusa arietina and Thyreosthenius biovatus.  Bulletin of Insectology  75(2): 231-238

Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Trento Nardi et al., 2022 more details

Nardi D., Giannone F., Marini L., 2022 - Short-term response of ground-dwelling arthropods to storm-related disturbances is mediated by topography and dispersal.  Basic and Applied Ecology  65: 1-10

Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Bolzano/Bozen Castellucci et al., 2022 more details

Castellucci A., Schifani E., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2022 - New association between red wood ant species (Formica rufa group) and the myrmecophilic spiders Mastigusa arietina and Thyreosthenius biovatus.  Bulletin of Insectology  75(2): 231-238

Friuli Venezia Giulia Pordenone Castellucci et al., 2022 more details

Castellucci A., Schifani E., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2022 - New association between red wood ant species (Formica rufa group) and the myrmecophilic spiders Mastigusa arietina and Thyreosthenius biovatus.  Bulletin of Insectology  75(2): 231-238

Valle d'Aosta Valle d'Aosta Castellucci et al., 2022 more details

Castellucci A., Schifani E., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2022 - New association between red wood ant species (Formica rufa group) and the myrmecophilic spiders Mastigusa arietina and Thyreosthenius biovatus.  Bulletin of Insectology  75(2): 231-238

Valle d'Aosta Valle d'Aosta Castellucci et al., 2023 more details

Castellucci, F., Scharff, N. & Luchetti, A., 2023 - Molecular systematics and phylogenetics of the spider genus Mastigusa Menge, 1854 (Araneae, Cybaeidae).  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution  186 (107833): 1-9

Friuli Venezia Giulia Pordenone Castellucci et al., 2023 more details

Castellucci, F., Scharff, N. & Luchetti, A., 2023 - Molecular systematics and phylogenetics of the spider genus Mastigusa Menge, 1854 (Araneae, Cybaeidae).  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution  186 (107833): 1-9

Veneto Belluno Castellucci et al., 2023 more details

Castellucci, F., Scharff, N. & Luchetti, A., 2023 - Molecular systematics and phylogenetics of the spider genus Mastigusa Menge, 1854 (Araneae, Cybaeidae).  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution  186 (107833): 1-9

Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Bolzano/Bozen Castellucci et al., 2024 more details

Castellucci F., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2024 - Enigmatic and extravagant genitalia in the spider genus Mastigusa (Araneae, Cybaeidae) – a taxonomic revision.  Invertebrate Systematics  38: IS23047

Friuli Venezia Giulia Pordenone Castellucci et al., 2024 more details

Castellucci F., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2024 - Enigmatic and extravagant genitalia in the spider genus Mastigusa (Araneae, Cybaeidae) – a taxonomic revision.  Invertebrate Systematics  38: IS23047

last updated: 14/11/2019

Castellucci A., Schifani E., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2022 - New association between red wood ant species (Formica rufa group) and the myrmecophilic spiders Mastigusa arietina and Thyreosthenius biovatus.  Bulletin of Insectology    75(2): 231-238 (show included species)

Castellucci F., Lucchetti A., Scharff N., 2024 - Enigmatic and extravagant genitalia in the spider genus Mastigusa (Araneae, Cybaeidae) – a taxonomic revision.  Invertebrate Systematics    38: IS23047 (show included species)

Castellucci, F., Scharff, N. & Luchetti, A., 2023 - Molecular systematics and phylogenetics of the spider genus Mastigusa Menge, 1854 (Araneae, Cybaeidae).  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution    186 (107833): 1-9 (show included species)

Evangelista M., Trotta A., 2009 - Segnazioni faunistiche italiane 482 - Mastigusa arietina (Thorell, 1871).  Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova    141 (2): 113 (show included species)

Isaia M., Paschetta M., Chiarle A., 2015 - Annotated checklist of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Site of Community Importance and Special Area of Conservation “Alpi Marittime” (NW Italy).  Zoosystema    37(1): 57-114 (show included species)

Nardi D., Giannone F., Marini L., 2022 - Short-term response of ground-dwelling arthropods to storm-related disturbances is mediated by topography and dispersal.  Basic and Applied Ecology    65: 1-10 (show included species)

Noflatscher M.T., 1996 - Aranei - Spinnen, Webspinnen.  In: Hellrig K. (eds), Die Tierwelt Südtirols. Naturmuseum Südtirols, Bozen   211-228 (show included species)

Pantini P., Mazzoleni F., Gobbi M. Pedrotti L., 2020b - Ragni (Arachnida, Araneae) di interesse biogeografico e conservazionistico nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (Italia).  Rivista del Museo civico di Scienze Naturali "E. Caffi", Bergamo    33: 23-53 (show included species)

Steinberger K.-H., 2008 - Spinnen und Weberknechte im Naturpark Schlern – Rosengarten (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones) (Italien, Südtirol).  Gredleriana    8: 255-286 (show included species)

Steinberger K.-H., 2010 - Spiders of arable land in the Eisack- and the Puster Valley (South Tyrol, Italy) (Arachnida: Araneae).  Gredleriana    10: 227-238 (show included species)

Trotta A., 2005 - Introduzione ai ragni italiani (Arachnida Araneae).  Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova    83: 3-178 (show included species)