
Troglohyphantes lucifer Isaia, Mammola & Pantini, 2017

Italian Endemic
Mainland Italy
Locus typicus: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Roure, Tana del Diavolo [Pi 1591], 7.1220669’E 45.0263401’N
Distribution: Northern Cottian Alps, Viù, Susa, and Chisone Valley

Regional distribution
no. of Regions: 1 (5.0%)
No data
Provincial distribution
no. of Provinces: 1 (0.9%)
No data
Piemonte Torino Isaia et al., 2017 more details

Isaia M., Mammola S., Mazzuca P., Arnedo M.A., Pantini P., 2017 - Advances in the systematics of the spider genus Troglohyphantes (Araneae, Linyphiidae).  Systematics and Biodiversity  15(4): 307-326

Piemonte Torino Mammola et al., 2017c more details

Mammola S., Piano E., Giachino P.M., Isaia M., 2017c - An ecological survey of the invertebrate community at the epigean/hypogean interface.  Subterranean Biology  24(6): 27-52

Piemonte Torino Mammola & Isaia, 2018 more details

Mammola S., Isaia M., 2018 - Day–night and seasonal variations of a subterranean invertebrate community in the twilight zone.  Subterranean Biology  27: 31–51

Piemonte Torino Mammola et al., 2018b more details

Mammola S., Goodacre S.L., Isaia M., 2018b - Climate change may drive cave spiders to extinction.  Ecography  41: 233-243

Piemonte Torino Mammola et al., 2019d more details

Mammola S., Piano E., Malard F., Vernon P., Isaia M., 2019d - Extending Janzen’s hypothesis to temperate regions: A test using subterranean ecosystems.  Functional Ecology  :

last updated: 10/01/2025

Isaia M., Mammola S., Mazzuca P., Arnedo M.A., Pantini P., 2017 - Advances in the systematics of the spider genus Troglohyphantes (Araneae, Linyphiidae).  Systematics and Biodiversity    15(4): 307-326 (show included species)

Mammola S., Goodacre S.L., Isaia M., 2018b - Climate change may drive cave spiders to extinction.  Ecography    41: 233-243 (show included species)

Mammola S., Isaia M., 2018 - Day–night and seasonal variations of a subterranean invertebrate community in the twilight zone.  Subterranean Biology    27: 31–51 (show included species)

Mammola S., Piano E., Giachino P.M., Isaia M., 2017c - An ecological survey of the invertebrate community at the epigean/hypogean interface.  Subterranean Biology    24(6): 27-52 (show included species)

Mammola S., Piano E., Malard F., Vernon P., Isaia M., 2019d - Extending Janzen’s hypothesis to temperate regions: A test using subterranean ecosystems.  Functional Ecology   (show included species)

Troglohyphantes lucifer
Troglohyphantes lucifer