
Brigittea innocens (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872)

Mainland Italy

REMARKS: The identification of the specimens from Italy (IJland et al. 2012) is erroneous; they probably belong to Brigittea varians (Spassky, 1952) (IJland pers. comm.). (Lecigne, 2021: 14)

Regional distribution
no. of Regions: 0 (0.0%)
No data
Provincial distribution
no. of Provinces: 0 (0.0%)
No data
Puglia Foggia Ijland et al., 2012 more details

Ijland S., Helsdingen van P.J., Miller J., 2012 - On some spiders from Gargano, Apulia, Italy.  Nieuwsbrief SPINED  32: 2-20

Dictyna innocens
Calabria Catanzaro Ijland & Helsdingen van, 2019 more details

Ijland S., Helsdingen van P.J., 2019 - Update on the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Calabria, Italy.  Nieuwsbrief SPINED  38: 8-21

Brigittea cf innocens
Calabria Cosenza Ijland & Helsdingen van, 2019 more details

Ijland S., Helsdingen van P.J., 2019 - Update on the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Calabria, Italy.  Nieuwsbrief SPINED  38: 8-21

Brigittea cf innocens
last updated: 14/11/2019

Ijland S., Helsdingen van P.J., 2019 - Update on the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Calabria, Italy.  Nieuwsbrief SPINED    38: 8-21 (show included species)

Ijland S., Helsdingen van P.J., Miller J., 2012 - On some spiders from Gargano, Apulia, Italy.  Nieuwsbrief SPINED    32: 2-20 (show included species)