
Troglohyphantes achillis Isaia & Mammola, 2022

Italian Endemic
Mainland Italy
Locus typicus: Italy, Piemonte, Torino: Roure, Tana del Diavolo [1591 Pi], 7.122°E, 45.026°N, 1414 m
Distribution: Northern Cottian Alps (Chisone and Germanasca Valleys)

Regional distribution
no. of Regions: 1 (5.0%)
No data
Provincial distribution
no. of Provinces: 1 (0.9%)
No data
Piemonte Torino Pesarini, 2001a more details

Pesarini C., 2001a - Note sui Troglohyphantes italiani, con descrizione di quattro nuove specie (Araneae Linyphiidae).  Atti della Società italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano  142/2001 (1): 109-133

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Isaia & Pantini, 2010 more details

Isaia M., Pantini P., 2010 - New data on the spider genus Troglohyphantes (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in the Italian Alps, with the description of a new species and a new synonymy.  Zootaxa  2690: 1-18

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Isaia et al., 2010b more details

Isaia M., Giachino P.M., Sapino E., Casale A., Badino G., 2010b - Conservation value of artificial subterranean systems: A case study in an abandoned mine in Italy.  Journal for Nature Conservation  :

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Isaia et al., 2010c more details

Isaia M., Lana E., Pantini P., 2010c - Ecology and distribution of the genus Troglohyphantes Joseph, 1881 in the Western Italian Alps.  Proceedings of the 17th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Edinburgh 1997. P. A. Selden (ed.)  : 89-97

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Isaia et al., 2011 more details

Isaia M., Paschetta M., Lana E., Pantini P., Schönhofer A.L., Erhard C., Badino G., 2011 - Aracnidi sotteranei delle Alpi Occidentali italiane (Arachnida:Araneae, Opiiones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpiones).  Monografie Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Torino  47: 325 pp

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Mammola et al., 2015 more details

Mammola S., Isaia M., Arnedo M.A., 2015 - Alpine endemic spiders shed light on the origin and evolution of subterranean species.  PeerJ  3:e1384:

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Mammola & Isaia, 2016 more details

Mammola S., Isaia M., 2016 - The ecological niche of a specialized subterranean spider.  Invertebrate Biology  135(1): 20-30

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Mammola et al., 2018b more details

Mammola S., Goodacre S.L., Isaia M., 2018b - Climate change may drive cave spiders to extinction.  Ecography  41: 233-243

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Mammola et al., 2019d more details

Mammola S., Piano E., Malard F., Vernon P., Isaia M., 2019d - Extending Janzen’s hypothesis to temperate regions: A test using subterranean ecosystems.  Functional Ecology  :

Troglohyphantes vignai
Piemonte Torino Isaia et al., 2022 more details

Isaia M., Arnedo M.A., Mammola S., 2022 - A multi-layered approach uncovers overlooked taxonomic and physiological diversity in Alpine subterranean spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Troglohyphantes).  Invertebrate Systematics  36(4): 354-371

last updated: 07/02/2025

Isaia M., Arnedo M.A., Mammola S., 2022 - A multi-layered approach uncovers overlooked taxonomic and physiological diversity in Alpine subterranean spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Troglohyphantes).  Invertebrate Systematics    36(4): 354-371 (show included species)

Isaia M., Giachino P.M., Sapino E., Casale A., Badino G., 2010b - Conservation value of artificial subterranean systems: A case study in an abandoned mine in Italy.  Journal for Nature Conservation   (show included species)

Isaia M., Lana E., Pantini P., 2010c - Ecology and distribution of the genus Troglohyphantes Joseph, 1881 in the Western Italian Alps.  Proceedings of the 17th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Edinburgh 1997. P. A. Selden (ed.)   89-97 (show included species)

Isaia M., Pantini P., 2010 - New data on the spider genus Troglohyphantes (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in the Italian Alps, with the description of a new species and a new synonymy.  Zootaxa    2690: 1-18 (show included species)

Isaia M., Paschetta M., Lana E., Pantini P., Schönhofer A.L., Erhard C., Badino G., 2011 - Aracnidi sotteranei delle Alpi Occidentali italiane (Arachnida:Araneae, Opiiones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpiones).  Monografie Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Torino    47: 325 pp (show included species)

Mammola S., Goodacre S.L., Isaia M., 2018b - Climate change may drive cave spiders to extinction.  Ecography    41: 233-243 (show included species)

Mammola S., Isaia M., 2016 - The ecological niche of a specialized subterranean spider.  Invertebrate Biology    135(1): 20-30 (show included species)

Mammola S., Isaia M., Arnedo M.A., 2015 - Alpine endemic spiders shed light on the origin and evolution of subterranean species.  PeerJ    3:e1384: (show included species)

Mammola S., Piano E., Malard F., Vernon P., Isaia M., 2019d - Extending Janzen’s hypothesis to temperate regions: A test using subterranean ecosystems.  Functional Ecology   (show included species)

Pesarini C., 2001a - Note sui Troglohyphantes italiani, con descrizione di quattro nuove specie (Araneae Linyphiidae).  Atti della Società italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano    142/2001 (1): 109-133 (show included species)